Woman Within® Weekend

The Woman Within Weekend® is a two-and-a half-day experience for women. It provides a safe and nurturing environment for you to explore how your life could be different and to fully know and live the power of who you are. It’s an opportunity for you to look at the life you’ve created and to make choices about what you want to sustain, what you want to deepen, and what you want to release. 

Since 1988, thousands of women from more than 20 countries have chosen to experience this powerful transformational weekend. Woman Within Weekend provides a safe and nurturing environment. Explore how your life could be different and to reaffirm your wholeness as a woman! Visit Woman Within International for more details.

What happens on the Weekend?

The Weekend offers a series of experiential activities, guided meditations and focused individual and group exercises. These processes have been carefully designed to help women find and access their inner power to support themselves in their daily lives.

  • BEGINNING  |  Friday night: Register and settle in. Unplug from the everyday world by removing your watch, makeup and jewelry. Meet your group for the Weekend. Begin by reflecting on yourself and your life.
  • GOING DEEPER  |  Saturday morning: Feel your emotions and inner conflicts. Touch upon what has brought you to the Weekend.
  • TRANSFORMING  |  Saturday afternoon: Take an experiential challenge to embody your authentic self. For instance, you may choose to step into your strength, break through barriers or experience your untapped potential or wisdom.
  • FINDING NEWNESS  |  Saturday night: Illuminate a new part of yourself. Be welcomed into the circle of women.
  • RELEASING  |  Sunday morning: Feel losses from your life – and choose to forgive. Recognize your connection to nature, humanity and your innate ability to create what you want in life. See what it’s like to be affirmed as a woman. Express your joy.
  • CELEBRATING  |  Sunday afternoon: Take part in a feast of affirmation, laughter and community. Learn about options for continuing your journey. Connect, acknowledge – and return to your life.

Who leads the Weekend?

The Woman Within Weekend® is led by a team that includes a Weekend Leader, 6-8 Facilitators, 3 logistical leaders and anywhere from 20-30 staff members. The facilitation team goes through hands-on training that typically takes 7 to 15 years. Throughout their training, Facilitators go through a vigorous feedback process and are required to complete several leadership trainings. Woman Within Facilitation protocols are continuously improved based on feedback from women around the world. To create a circle of support, there are typically more staff members than participants – and all staff have attended the Weekend.

Cost is $750 and includes the curriculum materials, program, meals and lodging.  Limited financial assistance is available on a first-come, first-served basis if the cost is a challenge. Limited financial assistance is available on a first-come, first-served basis if the cost is a challenge.

2025 Weekends

  • July 18-20, 2025 in Racine, WI
  • September 26-28, 2025 in Louisville, KY

A nonrefundable deposit of $200 reserves a spot for selected dates, unless the program is full.

To pay Via PayPal using credit/debit please fill out the form to the right

To pay Via Check, Zelle, Venmo, or Money Order please contact the registrar, Deb Cohen BEFORE filling out the form to the right

Financial assistance is available for each Woman Within Weekend on a first-come, first-served basis (apply for financial assistance). Registrar Debra Cohen will contact you to follow up. The deposit payment can be deferred if you are seeking financial assistance. 

Updated COVID Protocol:

  • We will not be asking staff or participants to test prior to attending the weekend
  • We will have test available for staff or participants who chose to self test
  • We ask that you not attend the weekend if you are feeling sick

Payment for: Woman Within Weekend

Woman Within Weekend


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Mailing or Contact Details

Debra Cohen, Registrar
P 773-818-6402
F 847-919-4625
4914 Kirk Street, #2
Skokie, IL 60077